Layer Supplement

  • مکمل ویتامینه و معدنی مرغ تخمگذار نژاد بونز (0.5%) (پرورش و تخمگذاری)

    Bovans layer vitamin and mineral supplement (% 0.5) (growing & laying)

    • Provision of all the minerals and vitamins needed to maintain the laying potential and exceptional longevity of the Bovans breed (Bovans layer supplement)
    • Improving the absorption of calcium through the intestine
    • Strengthening the shell and reducing the number of broken eggs
    • Improving the quality of feathers and skin of chickens
    • Adjusted according to the latest catalog of breeds
    • Supplying raw materials and carriers from the best and highest quality sources available in the market
  • مکمل مرغ تخمگذار نژاد ال اس ال (0.5%) (پرورش و تخمگذاری)

    L.S.L layer vitamin and mineral supplement (% 0.5) (growing & laying)

    • Accurate supplementation of vitamins and minerals of the diet according to the low consumption of LSL breed
    • Improving conversion rate and reducing feed costs
    • Increased resistance to diseases and reduce of Losses
    • Improving the quality of feathers and skin of birds
    • Adjusted according to the latest catalog of breeds
    • Supplying raw materials and carriers from the best and highest quality sources available in the market
  • مکمل ویتامینه و معدنی مرغ تخمگذار نیک چیک (0.5%) (پرورش و تخمگذاری)

    Nick Chick layer vitamin and mineral supplement (% 0.5) (growing & laying)

    • Reduced weakness and increased appetite to maintain the high conversion rate of the Nick Chick breed
    • Reduction of stress caused by vaccination and diseases
    • Increasing the thickness of the egg shell
    • Improving growth rate and egg production
  • مکمل ویتامینه و معدنی مرغ تخمگذار هایلاین 2015 (0.5%) (پرورش و تخمگذاری)

    HY-Line 2015 vitamin and mineral supplement (%0.5) (growing & laying)

    • Supplying nutrients needed for Hyline breed the production of large egg
    • Increase, egg laying, fertilization, and longevity of chickens in the flock
    • Reduction of disorders caused by deformation of joints and legs in chickens
  • مکمل ویتامینه و معدنی مرغ تخمگذار شیور (0.5%) (پرورش و تخمگذاری)

    Shaver layer vitamin and mineral supplement (% 0.5) (growing & laying)

    • Prevent blood spot on the egg yolk
    • Preventing fractures and osteoporosis and broken wings and feathers
    • Strengthening the shell and reducing the number of broken eggs
    • Supplying all required macromineral ,micromineral and vitamins in order to maintain the potential of long production cycles in the Shaver layers.
  • مکمل مرغ تخمگذار هایلاین 2011 (0.5%) (پرورش و تخمگذاری)

    HY-Line 2011 vitamin and mineral supplement (%0.5) (growing & laying)

    • Improvement of hatch percentage in laying hen flocks
    • Improving feed consumption and supplying nutrients needed for Hyline breed the production of large egg
    • Adjusted according to the latest catalog of breeds
  • مکمل ویتامینه و معدنی مرغ تخمگذار فرمول سازمان دامپزشکی

    veterinary organization formula layer supplement (vitamin & mineral)

    veterinary organization formula layer supplement (vitamin and mineral) is made based on the formula proposed by the Veterinary Organization and is presented as a general supplement for all breeds and all periods. It is recommended to use specific supplements for each breed and each period.

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